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Hash browns – best made at home

Hash browns are a dish we can always agree on. You know, we are five in the family. We adults and our eldest love to eat everything and are very experimental. Our middle one eats almost no vegetables (except potatoes and pumpkin!), and our smallest one occasionally eats a pea and loves cucumbers – otherwise also : No vegetables!

Hash browns are therefore a very good compromise. You can eat them savoury or sweet and everyone is happy.

Kartoffel, Eier., Mehl, Salz auf Marmorplatte

How do you like hash browns best: sweet or salty?

Classic with cinnamon and sugar and a dash of applesauce? Or with salmon and salad? We make the hash browns as a basis, and then everyone can decide for themselves. I simply provide several ingredients for topping according to the modular principle and then everyone can mix and match at the table.

Thanks to the food processor the potatoes are rasped in no time at all, I admit, whoever raspes them by hand needs a little longer and has to take very good care of his fingers!

And for a short time it smells like a food cart – at least almost! Because I think you shouldn’t cut back on fat when baking, otherwise the hash browns won’t be super crispy.

But if you want a little less fat, you can also bake them in the oven. Then they taste a bit different, but you don’t have to stand in the fat steam and you can clean up the kitchen and all are ready at once. Also not bad!

Freshly baked in plenty of fat they are simply the best – that’s how it is!

With the hearty version you can let your imagination run wild, here are a few ideas:

  • with sour cream and avocado, sprinkled with spring onions
  • very puristic with salt and freshly ground pepper
  • smoked salmon and fresh horseradish
  • Grate parmesan cheese over it
  • Goat cheese and fresh figs
  • Pear and soft blue cheese
  • and, and, and
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Hash browns – best made at home

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  • Author: Tina
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 20
  • Total Time: 30
  • Yield: 4 1x
  • Category: Cooking


Hash browns work sweet and savoury – wonderful when the tastes are different!


  • 1,5 kg potatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • 3 eggs
  • 1,5 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 10 tablespoons neutral oil


  • Wash and peel potatoes
  • Grate potatoes and onions by hand or in a food processor
  • Break the eggs and add to the potatoes
  • Add flour and salt and mix well
  • Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan over medium heat
  • Put 2 tablespoons of the dough per hash brown in the pan and flatten
  • after approx. 3 minutes turn and bake until golden yellow.
  • Drain on a kitchen paper, they are best eaten fresh!


In the oven: at 180°C, bake for about 20 minutes, turn once and preferably use baking paper.

Other delicious potato recipes are the Roasted Potatoes and our classic: the Potato Rolls

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