
Vitamin shot : freshly squeezed juices!

Freshly squeezed juices: a true vitamin shot!

Monday morning. A new week is coming! To get a boost in the morning I began the day with a freshly squeezed juice! A delicious vitamin shot!


I have many favorite combinations:

The classic combination with carrot and apple: this is the favorite juice of the children. And they can just use vitamin shots. The beginning of school after the holidays is really exhausting. And due to the continuing winter darkness, they won’t be outside as much as in summertime! I like to add a bit of lemon as an extra dose of vitamin C. And for us adults: ginger.

Beetroot with lemon: 2 ingredients – it could not be easier. I love the earthy taste of beetroot. In addition the freshness of the lemon – for me simply irresistible!


Vitaminspritze mit Rote Beete Vitaminspritze

Just the color makes me happy!

Pomegranate Blood Orange: Both pomegranates and blood oranges are in season. Unfortunately, they do not grow regionally. Most oranges in Germany are imported from Spain, pomegranates are mostly from Turkey. That’s why the pomegranate-blood orange juice is an absolute delicacy, which I deliberately treat myself to every now and then. Since I only process the pomegranate seeds into juice in the blender, push that through a strainer or a cheese cloth and then press the oranges by hand, this juice is not really intended to “quickly add a few vitamins”!

Vitaminspritze mit Granatapfel

Beetroot – Blood Orange: For all of you who need to break down a bit the beetroot taste :-). The juice remains earthy and slightly tart, but that’s what I like about it!


What are your Vitamin shots right now??

If you do not have your own juicer, you can invite yourself at a lucky friends house. Bring a bag of vegetables and fruits – to start a juice party. Or indulge in the luxury of stopping at a juice stand every now and then. Whoever survives the agony of choice, has earned a decent vitamin shot!

Have a great week! And if you need some more inspiration, take a look here!



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