Take a look what I found in the web… This lovely little bird, designed by Fee who has a very inspiring blog: Fee ist mein Name. You can download the bird here, and I used some stamps to pimp it my way. I had so much fun doing it, and I love to send our Christmas greetings with the bird to our family and friends. Thank you Fee for this beautiful little cards!
So Christmas is almost here! We have a birthday to celebrate before, and we are still remodeling the boys room, so there is a lot of action in the house. I try to do everything step by step, because otherwise I have the feeling it is not doable… Tonight the gingerbread house is on the plan, I can’t wait to start decorating it. I meet with friends since a few years to do it together and it is a brilliant little Christmas tradition. Tomorrow we will go out to cut our tree, another tradition i love. And the boys do to! Unfortunately we have no snow, it is green outside, it is even a sunny day… I hope you are all in a good Christmas flow and not to stressed! Have a Happy Friday and a Frohes Fest!
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