
Oh my sweet clementine

Vitamin C(lementine) Kick

All the beautiful snow melted away… So sad, but we have to face it, the grey wet weather is back! Or maybe spring, the weather forecast says it will be 14°C tomorrow! How bizarre! Anyway I have the feeling we need Vitamin C to stay healthy the next couple of weeks… And the perfect, easy solution is: eat more clementines! They are beautiful, little, colorful vitamin C bombs! Plus they are in season and widely available. I often can’t stop eating one after the other once I started… But why not?


If you can find clementines with leaves, get them! Such beauties, it will makes you happy to watch them for a moment, before you indulge them :-)!


So please enjoy your daily clementine! No recipe needed. Not much work…. Happy Monday! And those who want to jump right into citrus fruits, take a look here at this yummy citrus-fruit-salad!



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