Mine is, that we are leaving today, for a 2 week vacation in Sardegna, Italy! And this is the reason, why it was so quiet the last week on my blog and why it is going to be very quiet for the next two weeks…. While I was packing (and I can tell you, there is some serious packing involved, for a camping trip with 3 kids…. :)), I was constantly writing posts in my head! My goal was to write some posts for you in advance, but to be honest – they are still only in my head! I just couldn’t find the time, or better said I prioritized on getting everything done for our family vacation. Again I had to fight the feeling that I want to do more, but once I made the decision to focus on my family life I became instantly happy again! So whenever you feel stressed, whenever you get the feeling there is an unclimbable mountain in front of you, sit down. Take a few minutes and a piece of paper and make yourself a list. Not only a list about what you think you have to do. Listen to your heart for a moment and feel what is really important to you to be happy and then prioritize the things you’ll do today. I know, sometimes it is impossible, and there are things to do you can’t change. But I often get stuck with the feeling that there is too much to do, and I get kind of paralyzed. We all know that without action, there is no movement and the mountain gets higher and higher. So please pick one thing that makes you happy and put it to the top 5 of your list!
I am a food lover, I guess you recognized this by now – so to me it is very important to have a good filled box with yummy sandwiches and fruits and espresso shots for the long travel in front of us today. And that’s the reason I just leave this post in english, to save some time to make incredible good sandwiches for my family and me :-)
Have a happy time, I’ll be back full of new ideas in 2 weeks! Be patient with me!
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