
Things that made me happy this week

You have got to know me a bit better, so let me share some happy moments I experienced the last week with you. I will try to make a small series out of it, so each friday I want to sit down for a moment and reflect my week with the eyes wide open for the moments I loved! So hopefully there will be always something to write :-)! Here we go: HAPPY MOMENTS of the week!

Having my mom visiting us for a whole week, which means time to spend for me, super fun for the kids hanging around and playing with her Amma, and yummy food for all of us! Thank you Mama!

Due to the time, I was able to follow my last week in my workshop and our last module was about blogging!

I was finally able to get Pin It Buttons on my images, this took me some time but at the end: hurray!

Same for the gallery, the layout is not perfekt yet, but I could create a own gallery with my images.

Seeing my big boys preparing things for their grandmothers birthday party this week-end, they were so into it!

I got a new haircut :-)!

A nice evening out with friends, eating a great burger and drinking a huge Mojito, after 1 year of breast-feeding!

Not having headaches the day after the Mojito…

Talking to my brother and his girlfriend, who a currently working and living in the South Sudan. I always have a huge smile on my face after talking and seeing them via Skype!

Picking flowers in our garden and eating the first homegrown salad for the season!

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