About me

About Me

Hi and Aloha…

My name is Tina Engel, I am 42 years old, happily married and mother of three boys, food-stylist and photographer. I started my blog Tina Engel – made with aloha – in early 2014, it is a pleasure to have you here.

Come with me and get to know my daily life filled with joy, energy and ease. I will show you that the infinite source for doing so is also tapped within yourself.

Can’t find that source? It is still hidden somewhere in you? Then it is more important than ever to bring out the joy and make ​a joyful life your top priority!

Why Made with Aloha? Aloha is Hawaiian and has various meanings, a few of them are: Love, affection, charity, empathy, friendliness and sympathy.


It’s all about love and inspiration!

I draw my inspiration from the depths of my life and my firm bond with the Buddhist philosophy of Nichiren Daishonin. Since 14 years I am practicing Buddhism in the SGI and I never looked backed. Because it is all about advancing forward in your life, having your eyes always fixed on your dreams and goal ahead of you, always from now on. You can read my personal story about how I got to Buddhism in my “How I became Buddha…” post.

And to avoid misunderstandings right away: This is not about proselytizing anyone nor a try to convince people of anything. It is about sharing my endless joy in life and my conviction that you, yes! you! can become as happy as me in all field of your life. This is about the inspiration to move ahead, to dream huge, with our focus set on cooperation, love and our positive life force.

As unique as we all are, as unique our paths to deep and absolute happiness will be. There are countless ways and I really do not care if you are an Atheist, a Christian, a Moslem, a Hindu, a Buddha or something different all together. Because this is about much much more! The power we create when walking through life with love, affection, altruism, empathy, kindness and sympathy is so amazingly huge that I could just burst out of joy!

Come with me, be inspired, throw those old fears of change over board and let’s grow together. It is super fun! Promise!

Eating is wonderful

Because eating is such an important part of my life, I am sharing with you tried and tested recipes. They are always yummy and mostly uncomplicated. Cooking with joy for friends is bliss, let’s just do it!

Udon-Nudelsuppe mit asiatischem Bärlauchpesto

Climate change in our daily life!

My boys are getting older and for sure a lot of questions about this world are being discussed in the family. That is why climate change has its steady place on this blog. And since it is such an important issue, there will be even more content on it in the future.

Here you will get concrete tips and tricks about how to best integrate climate change into your daily life. This is important because at times this topic can be really discouraging for all of us, it can bring out that resignation “oh well, I cannot do anything about it anyways…” That is not true! Every single step and effort counts, it inspires others and creates courage in me and others for more change.

You can find a few thoughts about climate change in the kitchen in my post about apple pancakes and the 10 tips for climate-friendly cooking

A heartfelt and warm Aloha to you! Nice to meet you here! I am very happy to take you with me.