Stay winter, stay!
Ich wish I could keep the snowy winter with us. Let’s say until end of February. With tons of snow and icy temperatures. With long walks in the white landscape, with evenings where you sit next to the widow and count the falling snowflakes. With hot chocolate and prickling hands from the cold. With epic snowball fights, with igloos and a snowbar.
Because seriously. We are constantly searching the left glove, the cozy scarf and the warm woolen cap anyway. Also with 5°C and rain. But it is way more uncomfortable. And the snow makes everything bright and shinny, instead of the constant shades of grey in never ending rain weeks… We will stay the weekend in the mountains, in hope that the snow lasts 2 more days. But anyway, have a beautiful weekend everyone, let the sunshine, inside, in you and enjoy beeing!
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