
Sweet woodruff: It’s the month of May…

… so it’s time for a sweet woodruff punch! We do have a lot of it in our garden and I love to watch this light green growing. Take care not to use the flowers, the amount of Kumarin gets higher with the flowers, which can give you some head aches…  

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It’s an easy recipe: take a bunch of sweet woodruff (easy to find in the woods now, or hopefully at your local market), wash and dry it and then let it sit in a container for about a day ( or a night…). Keep some leaves for decoration later on in water. . It will start drying and that’s the moment with the best aroma, just smell and you will love it! Now take a bowl and add 1,5 dry white wine. Make a small bundle out of the sweet woodruff and put only the leaves into the wine (easiest way, is to put a string around it and then hang it on a stirring spoon which you place above the bowl) and let it infuse for at least 20 minutes. Then take the sweet woodruff out, sweet your punch to taste and add some lemon slices and maybe some ice cubes. Now it’s almost done, just add some leaves for decoration and  a bottle (3/4l) sparkling wine to the punch and here you go, the classic Maibowle!

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